BlueMax G7

The industry standard in high-performance RCS, instrumentation radar, and antenna measurement systems

Whether you need maximum data throughput or a high sample rate, BlueMax G7 is the answer.

The BlueMax G7 instrumentation radar system is a high-performance, wide-band pulsed IF system capable of a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) to 5 MHz (selectable between 1 Hz to 5 MHz) with multiple range gates, multiple receive channels, and great frequency agility. And its redundant dual-independent receive channels allow faster polarimetric measurements and the use of multi-channel antennas, such as tracking antennas.


RCS measurements of moving targets

Heavy Duty

Environmentally versatile, ultra compact, and remote operations ready


Real-time processing and imaging with automated calibration


10 year support guarantee

Universal radio-frequency system

BlueMax G7 uses a common IF architecture so it can be configured to any desired frequency coverage by adding new frequency bands with the appropriate frequency-specific converter/HPA/LNA subsystem. These numerous loop modes at different stages in the IF and RF circuits then channel the transmit signal to the receiver, allowing fast fault isolation and convenient diagnosis of system health. With an optional synthetic target generator, system-level diagnostics can be enhanced to distinguish system problems from external errors.

Superior signal detection

BlueMax G7 instrumentation radar system uses multiple, independent RF digital converters to sample radar returns at user-specified range gates, providing continuous, over-sampled I/Q signal acquisitions with sub-pulsewidth range steps. Signal capture with consistent rise/fall times of ≤2 ns has been achieved by coupling the refined BlueMax G7 RF circuitry to the over-sampling data converters. Its wideband RF subsystems and data converters also provide >90 dB dynamic range on single samples as well as ≥120 dB dynamic range within a coherent processing interval.

High-speed digital system

A direct gigabit Ethernet connection links the user-interface computer and the system hardware, meaning that all system timing and control signals, receive-data processing, and data storage are high-speed digital. Its digital subsystem leverages the latest Xilinx RFSoC RF converter technology, which provides unmatched multichannel RF performance for waveform generation and high-speed signal capture.

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Universal radio-frequency system

BlueMax G7 uses a common IF architecture so it can be configured to any desired frequency coverage by adding new frequency bands with the appropriate frequency-specific converter/HPA/LNA subsystem. These numerous loop modes at different stages in the IF and RF circuits then channel the transmit signal to the receiver, allowing fast fault isolation and convenient diagnosis of system health. And with an optional synthetic target generator, system-level diagnostics can be enhanced to distinguish system problems from external errors.

Superior signal detection

BlueMax G7 uses multiple, independent RF digital converters to sample radar returns at user-specified range gates, providing continuous, over-sampled I/Q signal acquisitions with sub-pulsewidth range steps. And by coupling the refined BlueMax G7 RF circuitry to the over-sampling data converters, we've managed to enable signal capture with consistent rise/fall times of ≤2 ns. Its wideband RF subsystems and data converters also provide >90 dB dynamic range on single samples as well as ≥120 dB dynamic range within a coherent processing interval.

High-speed digital system

A direct gigabit Ethernet connection links the user-interface computer and the system hardware, meaning that all system timing and control signals, receive-data processing, and data storage are high-speed digital. Its digital subsystem leverages the latest Xilinx RFSoC RF converter technology, which provides unmatched multichannel RF performance for waveform generation and high-speed signal capture.

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BlueMax G7 Specifications

  • Measurement Capabilities
  • Data Acquisition
  • Collection Computer
  • RF Performance

Frequency coverage0.3–100 GHz
0.1–20 GHz
Waveforms32 simultaneous, independent
Range gatesContinuous
Tx/Rx polarizationsHH, VV, HV, VH
Receive channelsUp to 10 simultaneous

Detection methodI/Q
A/D conversion>16 bits equivalent
Output data formatAll industry formats
Samples per second1 Gsps
Maximum frequencies128 K
Storage ratesUp to 10 Gbps



HardwareHigh-end high-performance personal computer
Real-time displays>2D, 3D, Polar, Pixel, Waterfall, Global plots
Receiver bandwidth 1–500 MHz in 8 steps
Receiver sensitivity -91 dBm
Dynamic range ≥80 dB single pulse
System noise figure <5 dB typical
Resolution 0.001 dB, 0.01°
Pulse waveforms Sequential, custom, hopped, and jittered
Complex waveforms Intrapulse modulation, pulse compression
Phase shifter 18-bit (0.001°)
Isolation Up to 120 dB
Linearity 0.2 / 10 dB, 2° / 10 dB
Transmit power SSPA, TWTA, array
Frequency stability 5x10⁻9 per day
Variable LO source Internal subsystem
Multiple pulses in air Up to 256
Multiple frequencies Range specific architectures
Phase code waveform Lintek, circle, bi-phase, fixed, and custom

Interested in BlueMax G7?

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