Mission-ready calibration device for in-flight RCS measurement.

The Spherical Passive-Active Radar Calibration System (SPARCS), a product for the U.S. Air Force, is a calibration device for in-flight RCS measurement ranges. This autonomous, lightweight flying sphere allows a single operator to deploy and operate the system through its guidance, navigation, and control module. This module includes a high-precision reference GPS/IMU subsystem for altitude and position control, as well as a two-way telemetry link to the ground control station.


< 0.2 dB calibration accuracy


Reliable design ensures consistent quality through repeat flights


8,000–30,000ft MSL altitude range

Easy to Use

Only one operator needed to deploy, operate, and recover the calibration device

SPARCS Specifications

  • Performance Attributes
  • Additional Attributes

Cross Pol
<35 dB
Polarization2-18 GHz HH/VV
Calibration Accuracy
<0.2 dB
Operational Altitude
8,000-30,000ft MSL
>10 minutes
>50dB S/I
Insensitive to angle and frequency
Operates in S, C, X, and Ku bands
Reusable every hour
Deployed, operated, and recovered by a single operator

Interested in SPARCS?

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